1. Fall in love, and be loved in return.
2. Buy my own home.
3. Rescue Golden Retrievers.
4. Go to Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos – then recover on the beach in Thailand!
5. Learn to water-ski – successfully.
6. Get up, every day, and exercise (if you know me, you know that I really don’t do well before 11 am).
7. Skydive – I should get bonus points for the EXTRA CHEESE this one provides.
Seven things I cannot do:
1. Cross my eyes.
2. Write with my right hand.
3. Stand negative people/victims/martyrs.
4. Ride a unicycle.
5. Sit, un-stimulated, for more than 20 minutes (Welcome to Adult A.D.D….UNMEDICATED! Join me! Water’s warm!)
6. Type slowly.
7. Lose faith in Christ.
Seven things that attract me to blogging:
1. I want you people to realize just how interesting I am.
2. LJ – she truly motivates and inspires me – she awakens my hidden journalist.
3. I want you all to realize I am in touch with my insanity.
4. I’m bored with this category. (You see? Adult ADD at its best!)
Seven things I say most often:
(I am actually penning a dictionary – many many terms – little, little time – stay tuned)
1. “Army Lodging, Good afternoon, it’s Toma!”
2. “Heck yesss!" (said with Napoleon flare)
3. “Chester, who loves you more than me?”
4. “That is what’s also known as…the right answer.”
5. “Mmmmeah.” (think, ‘meow’, but no ‘owww’ at the end…and I hate cats)
6. “Honto?” (that means ‘really?’ in Japanese – it’s one of my favorite words)
7. “I love you.”
Seven books that I love:
1. The Bible
2. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret
3. Where the Sidewalk Ends
4. A Pirate Looks at Fifty
5. Where is Joe Merchant?
6. In the Meantime
7. The Five Love Languages
Seven movies that I can watch over and over again:
1. Napoleon Dynamite (“Yer Mom goes to college.”)
2. Steel Magnolias (“Dammit, I am pleasant! I saw Drum Eatonton at the Piggly Wiggly and I smiled at the sumbitch before I could help myself!” )
3. Office Space (“I don’t like my job…so I don’t think I’m gonna go anymore.” “So, yer gonna quit?” “Nah, not really. I’m just gonna stop goin’.”)
4. Grease (“You hauled your cookies all the way to the beach for some guy?”)
5. High Fidelity (“I can't fire them. I hired these guys for three days a week and they just started showing up every day. That was four years ago.”)
6. Garden State (“Here comes the lipstick.”)
7. The Breakfast Club (“It’s social…demented and sad…but social.”)
Seven people I want to join the fun: